12th week, half way gone
nothing much to update as to symptoms and such. still having headaches. and it seems my stomach is more sensitive to food than usual (which i didn't think was possible). so eating out is always a challenge.
next wednesday will mark the beginning of the second trimester! i know the risks are still there, but i feel like i can breathe easier now. i'm glad though that my second trimester falls on our hot summer months, so i can still ejoy this short season and not be too uncomfortable.
Good News revealed!
so back in april i mentioned there was good news that i could not yet disclose. well, my cousins ernest and genny are having another baby! and this one is due just before ours, a month or so, maybe just a few weeks. i'm so so so so so happy to know our baby will have a cousin of the same age! ernest and genny's daughter, Anderson, is the youngest in the family right now. she just turned 1 in may and we're going for her birthday party next saturday. can't wait to see her WALKING!
and now... headaches
things were definitely looking up... i can almost stand the smell of onions again, can think about chicken without gagging, and can go a whole day without napping.
with only two short weeks to go until the second trimester, i've been hit... hard... with headaches. at first, they were nightly and i figured it was from wearing contacts for too long... but this morning i woke up with a headache and it's been lingering all day. i just want to curl up in bed and stay there.
there is a medical term for you to know - dysgeusia (dis-goo-zee-a) : an altered sense of taste.
this is a huge challenge for me right now. i am struggling to eat because nothing, i mean NOTHING tastes good. everything tastes different than how it should. apples taste like corn, milk tastes like water, foods i generally enjoy tastes so bland... because nothing tastes good, i don't crave anything, and i just don't want to eat even though i'm hungry.
i miss food!!!!!
this is a huge challenge for me right now. i am struggling to eat because nothing, i mean NOTHING tastes good. everything tastes different than how it should. apples taste like corn, milk tastes like water, foods i generally enjoy tastes so bland... because nothing tastes good, i don't crave anything, and i just don't want to eat even though i'm hungry.
i miss food!!!!!
baby development
in 2 days i will be hitting the double-digits! according to the site visembryo.com, this is how baby is doing:
- Head is erect and rounded.
- External ear is completely developed.
- The eyes are closed, but the retina of the eye is fully pigmented.
- The eyelids begin to unite and are only half closed.
- Taste buds begin to form on the surface of the tongue.
- The primary teeth are at cap stage.
- Bones of the palate begin to fuse.
- Scalp plexus reaches head vertex.
- Intestines begin to migrate from the umbilical cord into the body cavity.
- Upper and lower limbs are well formed.
- Fingers get longer and toes no longer webbed and all digits are separate and distinct.
- Layer of rather flattened cells, the precursor of the surface layer of the skin, replaces the thin ectoderm of the embryo.
- Tail has disappeared.
oh and did i mention baby is now 1 1/2 inches long?
long-distance congrats
yes, we've given in and have spread the news to the family... just couldn't handle the pressure any longer. not what we had originally planned or wanted, but oh well. too late now. guess we'll just have to learn from our mistakes next time...
anyways, my cousins ernest and genny sent me congratulations via e-mail yesterday... they're currently vacationing in el salvador for a month and i'm truly grateful for their kind words. it also means a lot that they took time out of their very busy vacation to send me an email. this is why i love family.
everyone here is completely thrilled... we've had a couple of criers, in fact. haha. they're already telling me to seek out baby stuff and let them know so they can get it for us. hearing screams over the telephone of congrats - it's so nice to know our baby is already so welcome in this family. i can't wait for him/her to arrive to play with all the little cousins.
strangest craving yet
so at about 8:30 last night, i got the craziest hankering for pasta with peas - a recipe/youtube video by clara, a 93-year-old lady who shares recipes for great depression cooking... so jesse ran out to get a can of peas and some pasta and we made it - and it was strangely good!
doctor's appointment
my family doctor doesn't do prenatal care/delivery, so he has referred me on to a... well, a family doctor who does do prenatal care/delivery. i haven't decided where i'm gonna go yet - either to the rockyview, which is the closest hospital in calgary, or to the high river hospital, which is in high river, about 20 minutes south of here. i said i'd like to try for a calgary doctor and if i don't like it, then change over to high river.
anyhoo, apparently there are a lot of babies being born around here and it's a long wait to get into see one of these doctors. so i'm seeing my GP until i hear from one of them.
anyhoo, apparently there are a lot of babies being born around here and it's a long wait to get into see one of these doctors. so i'm seeing my GP until i hear from one of them.
so, everything is good. my symptoms are all acceptable, my blood pressure is 106/60, the ultrasound result is good, blah blah. so unless i hear from my prenatal doc soon, i go back to see my GP in 4 weeks.
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