Gemma is really enjoying her new found independence now that she is crawling and standing up on virtually EVERYTHING, keeping me on my toes all day long. She also throws a fit if I don't let her pull up on something or open something or just basically if I try to stop her from doing anything that she is determined to do. She also doesn't really want to sit very much anymore and if I try to sit her down, she straightens her legs out and pushes back and screams her head off - like a full-on temper tantrum. Yesterday, I had her sitting on the dining table as I was trying to put a bib on her before I gave her some watermelon... Well, she didn't want that bib on and threw a fit and... hit her head really hard on the table. Of course she began screaming even more (it must have hurt so bad...) and I was busy trying to console her after that.
I can see that I have to be very diligent in disciplining her and teaching her what she can and can't do... I don't want to be one of those moms having to deal with her kid throwing a tantrum on the floor of the grocery store because the kid didn't get what she wanted...
Just wait it gets even worse! We actually have started giving Eli time outs when he does the whole fit throwing thing. We have a certain place that we put him away from his toys when he throws a fit. I set him down there, tell him when he's done throwing his fit he can come play. He cries there for a few minutes and usually gets himself back together and is fine. Oh the joys of becoming a toddler!!