
Time is Precious

I took the girls to a playdate today. The mom who hosted has two boys, one is a couple of weeks older than Gemma and her younger son is now 6 months old. I can't believe her younger son is already 6 months when it feels like yesterday that I was checking up on her facebook profile to see if she had the baby yet. Then it hit me - Leni will be there soon; in a blink of an eye she will be starting solids and sitting up on her own, etc. I know that I've said many times that seeing Leni makes me want time to go faster, but I suddenly noticed my own baby is going to be 2 months old in 5 days! As much as I don't "enjoy" the newborn stage, where have the past 2 months gone? I thought time only flew when you were having fun...

So I've decided today that with Leni being my "last baby" and all, I would really try to savor these times of sleeplessness and frustration, as they really are a part of shaping me into the kind of parent that I am and want to be. Leni, like Gemma, will only make me to be more patient and loving and I want to take in every lesson she teaches me.

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