Whenever I'm out with Gemma, I get tons of compliments. I am not saying this to boast, just stating a fact. Of course, every time I hear someone say something nice about Gemma, my heart glows and I can't help but to beam with pride... and I don't know how to respond to someone's nice words sometimes.
On Monday, we were at the Toddler Time class and near the end of the class, everyone got together in a circle and sang a few simple songs - itsy bitsy spider, hokey pokey, twinkle twinkle, etc. Gemma's been on a huge alphabet kick for the last month or so and she was happy when they started singing the alphabet song. As soon as people were done singing and there was a moment of silence before the women started talking about what to sing next, Gemma started singing the ABC song. Everyone just got quiet and listened to her, some were looking at me (I was standing away from the circle, holding Leni), and everyone was really impressed with her ABCs (and oddly that time, she got it almost all right, except she missed O and P).
After the songs were done, some of the moms came up to me and told me how impressed they were, asking how old she is, etc. I was extremely proud, but I couldn't help but to feel a little embarrassed as people complimented my smart little girl. I don't know why, but I always try to make it seem like "it's nothing" and tend to roll my eyes and say "thanks" when people say something nice, which, in afterthought, I think reflects very poorly upon me, like I'm saying "I know" or something rather than sincerely being grateful for their words.
How do I figure out the balance between being proud yet coming off sincere when I say thanks for a compliment? Is it weird that this is even an issue for me??
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