
weird night, weird morning

Why do long weekends always go so fast? Jesse's parents came on Friday and left yesterday and we had a nice visit with them. Gemma always loves having them here with all the attention she gets. 

Monday night, Leni slept horribly. At 11 pm, she cried out and could not be consoled. She screamed on for a long time before finally settling down and falling asleep in my arms. We had barely any tylenol left in the house and I had to scrape every drop to give her in case her teeth were bothering her. Then, she woke up again at 4 am and then had to cry herself to sleep... Our whole family was so exhausted on Tuesday, including Gemma - Gemma actually napped on Tuesday for the first time in weeks. 

After having had such a rough night, Leni was really out of sorts yesterday. She still didn't nap well and last night just passed out in my arms while drinking her last bottle. I woke up this morning to Gemma calling for harmony and realized it was 8:10! Leni hadn't made a peep and I was starting to worry, so I went into her room. She had rolled over onto her belly and was sleeping like that, which she never does. She woke up when I opened the door and stayed up for 3 hours before going back down. Another weird thing this morning is that when Gemma called out for my mom and I went to see her, she had opened the door and was coming out of her room! Until now, she has been afraid to climb down her bed (it's quite tall) and so she would always call out from her bed. But somehow she mustered up the courage to climb down and also managed to turn the doorknob to open the door! 

Hopefully Leni sleeps well again tonight...

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