It's been a busy couple of days! Yesterday, we had a playdate at our house in the morning. None of the boys could make it and so it was just a crazy gang of screaming little girls! Four of Gemma's friends who have little baby sisters - so 12 females in the house! It seemed like the big girls looked at all the babies hanging out downstairs and they were like "OMG this is where all the babies are hanging out. How lame. Let's go upstairs girls" and they all headed upstairs to play most of the day. Leni sure loved the attention the other girls gave her, as she doesn't get a whole lot of that from Gemma. As always, we had a terrific time with all our pals.
Today, we had our friends over for supper and had another great time hanging out. Gemma decided not to nap today and was super cranky by the time our friends came over and was such a rude hostess! But after we got some food into her system, she got better and had a ball with Annika. Leni too seemed to have a good time, she was smiling and happy-screaming for most of the evening.
Can't wait til the next time!
Fun was had by all! I know this because Annika has been talking about Gemma and her 2 monkeys and a cuckoo bird and a pig all you have a zoo upstairs? :)