I don't know what has happened, but Leni has gone through a major personality change in the last week. I don't know if it's the newfound independence that came with her crawling or the fact that I went back to work, but she is a totally different baby. Actually, she acts like she isn't a baby anymore but a toddler! She is throwing little fits (if we take away something from her that she isn't supposed to have OR if the wrong person came to get her from her crib after her nap) and is crazy HYPER! She used to be so laid back, but I feel like she completely fooled us all with her sweet girl routine all this time. She is super fast, going from one end of the room to the other and wreaking havoc and leaving a trail of chaos behind her. Also, she does this thing that Gemma NEVER did - Leni will put little tiny things that she finds in her mouth. Gemma never, ever did that. She would put her toys in her mouth and stuff, but never little fuzzies or odd crumbs that you can hardly see or pieces of dirt that fell off someone's dirty clothes, etc. It scares the heck out of all of us because she's already been found with one too many tiny things in her mouth that shouldn't be there. Even though we vacuum religiously, she picks up everything the Dyson might leave behind (and that's not much!).
So in short, Leni has gone from the "easier" child to the "oh man, I don't know how I'm gonna handle her when she's a bit bigger" child. Hopefully this is a phase that she will grow out of or else I need to have some major life lessons on how to deal with two extra-crazy toddlers!
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