Gosh, it's been 4 days already since the part. Just goes to show you how I don't seem to have any time to sit and catch my breath these days. We still have Jesse's mom and dad over and so it doesn't feel like everything is quite "over" yet.
But anyhoo, what a fun little party. I think we had about 40 guests come, only one family of no-shows and one surprise guest. Leni did very well the whole time, no screaming, just enjoying the attention. Gemma was being a bit of a drama queen and cried a couple of times, but she too had fun playing with her cousins, friends, and balloons.
The main event of the part, the doljabi, was an interesting one. Gemma didn't hesitate and went straight for the pen and pencil. Leni was really not sure and would crawl a couple of "steps", then stop, then whine a bit, then crawl up again, then sit, then whine. Then, my mom sat her up in front of the items to choose and she still couldn't make up her mind. We sat around for like 5 minutes waiting for her to pick. I picked up each item briefly just to get her interested, hoping she'll get the hint that that's exactly what she's supposed to do, but still no. I could see her eyeing the book and the bowl of rice, not sure which one to pick? then finally... finally! she picked up a grain of rice that had fallen out of the bowl. LOL. So that's it! RICE! I was happy because that's what I had hoped she would pick. Abundant/healthy life.
Anyway, the party ended, but we had my brother and jesse's siblings here until yesterday, and as mentioned above, Jesse's folks are still here. It's so nice having all these extra people to watch the kids and I've been able to work starting early in the morning and finishing early!
Anyhoo, at 1 year old, Leni is not yet walking and has no interest in it. She is sleeping about 10 hours, then we give her a bottle, then she goes back down (usually) for another hour or two. She has gone back to the two naps and has seven teeth. She loves any affection from Gemma, but most of the time they fight and Leni ends up crying because Gemma has stolen a toy she was playing with. Equally, she always wants to have/do what Gemma has/is doing and so then Gemma gets annoyed and cries. She is now drinking homo milk (since 2 days before her birthday because that's when we ran out of formula) and doesn't like to drink it straight out of the fridge. She says "umma" (mom), dada, kkot (flower), hi.
As much as she screams, she is incredibly affectionate and loves to cuddle. Her smile and nose crinkling just makes my heart melt. I love you Leni! Happy Birthday!!
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