
The Younger One

I feel so bad for Leni sometimes. She definitely hasn't received all the "oohs" and "ahhs" of her firsts like Gemma has. For example, I noticed every tooth that popped out in Gemma's mouth. Leni, I have no idea. Like suddenly one day I noticed she had all her teeth. With Gemma getting to be school age, we never really gave a second thought to teaching Leni the alphabet or numbers like we did with Gem. Gemma is and was always super inquisitive and wanted to know everything, so naturally we taught her a lot just by answering her gazillion questions. Leni, on the other hand, never asks... so we never tell. We just figured she was like any normal kid her age and Gemma was always more curious for answers. We never even gave her the chance, it turns out!

Yesterday Leni wrote her name. WHAT. I know. She wrote her name. She told me how she spells L-E-N-I and she wrote it. I guess Gemma's been doing a little tutoring of her own! So then we tested her to see how much of the alphabet she actually knows and - she knows most of the letters! Still gets confused with S, D, W, B.

We had an eye appointment for the kids today and Gemma went first. When the doc tested Leni's 3D vision (or stereopsis, i think they call it?), she just randomly asked Leni two letters on the page - L and R she never asked Gemma during her test) and Leni answered her correctly! Then the doc just looked at me, almost glaringly, and said "What is she doing knowing her letters?" LOL.

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