so according to tae-gyo (see my post in April), i must abstain from watching any violence. this rule until now has been perfectly fine.
HOWEVER, a week from today, the new harry potter movie comes out. yes, i am a harry potter nerd. i have read the books and own every movie on dvd to date. i think ron is cute and i secretly wish i had magic powers and an invisibility cloak. to make matters worse, this is the film version of my favorite HP book and it would make me sad to no end to miss this in theatres (c'mon, we all know watching it on dvd is just not the same).
so i am completely torn. as much as i don't believe that watching HP will turn my baby into an evil wizard, i really want to abide by this "tradition"... what to do, what to do... why oh why did this movie have to come out THIS YEAR???!?!?!?!
HOWEVER, a week from today, the new harry potter movie comes out. yes, i am a harry potter nerd. i have read the books and own every movie on dvd to date. i think ron is cute and i secretly wish i had magic powers and an invisibility cloak. to make matters worse, this is the film version of my favorite HP book and it would make me sad to no end to miss this in theatres (c'mon, we all know watching it on dvd is just not the same).
so i am completely torn. as much as i don't believe that watching HP will turn my baby into an evil wizard, i really want to abide by this "tradition"... what to do, what to do... why oh why did this movie have to come out THIS YEAR???!?!?!?!
Ooh that is a tough one! I would say go for it. But, I might be a bit biased as I will most likely see it, if not they day it comes out, the day after. How much violence will be in it, really? Okay, maybe quite a bit. Maybe you shouldn't listen to me... ;)