so last night, i cried. i cried and cried. i was so upset with the world and felt like a 4-year-old throwing a tantrum for not getting dessert.
why was i so upset, you ask? because jesse had eaten a donair that afternoon. i had really wanted a donair the day before and we were going to eat one for dinner, but i was being indecisive and felt it was too far (it's about a 20 minute drive for the best donair and fries ever). so i chose to miss out on the deliciousness of mystery meat packed and roasted in a rotisserie, sliced and hugged inside a pita with delicious sweet sauce, tomatoes, onions...
don't get me wrong. i don't blame him and am not angry with him for eating a donair without me. i'm just upset that he got to eat one and i didn't! now you see, jesse is not the type of person who can eat the same thing 2 days in a row. he doesn't like to eat leftovers for a few days and doesn't even like to eat the same meat prepared in a different way the day after he's had it (confused?). so him eating a donair yesterday means i don't get to have a donair for a few days at least. and i was desparate... i tell you... desparate for a donair.
i know it sounds absolutely ridiculous that i just completely lost it over a food item, but at least i have something to blame.... hormones! and tonight, i will make him eat a donair again even if it kills him because I HAVE TO HAVE A DONAIR TONIGHT.
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