
The Bigger Person

My mom always told me to be the bigger person in a conflict situation. Don't stoop to their level. You just do your part that is right and they won't be able to use anything against you later.

I think by nature (me being Korean), I was born with some kind of fighting gene in my DNA. I don't understand how things are supposed to resolve themselves without being talked about. If you need to fight about it, then isn't it better to fight than not know of each other's feelings and continue to repeat the offenses? If an argument results in the silent treatment or something like that, then so be it! I think that's better than always being stressed out about something. Also, if you know you're in the wrong, why is it so hard to admit and apologize?

It's a constant struggle between Jesse and I. He is so passive and would rather ignore a situation than confront it. I, on the other hand, don't understand why he would rather ignore something. 

I love Jesse. I really do... and as much as I hope Gemma takes after Jesse's patience and kindness, I hope she will take after me in that she will fight for what's right.

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