
little miss whiner

i'm gonna blame it on teething. Gemma's been whining and whining like crazy. Before, she would cry when she would be upset and stop almost immediately if she were picked up. If she cried while she was being held, it meant she was tired and needed to sleep.

Over the past few days, maybe since last Thursday, she began whining non-stop. It's not exactly crying and it continues even when she is held... just a "waaah.... waaahhhh" kind of thing. Naps have been definitely affected, but thank goodness she is still an angel through the night. 

I wish I could do something to help her if it is her gums that are bothering her. I offered a cold washcloth, cold teething rings, and even romain lettuce (which she liked the best, clamping down on the cold rib of the leaves).

to be honest, though i feel really bad for her that she might be in a lot of discomfort, i'm having a hard time dealing with her whining all the time. i know she will be teething for months/years to come, but i hope the whining doesn't accompany it for the entire duration.

1 comment:

  1. It'll get better and it will get worse! You could try giving her some gripe water, its good for teething, or you could try some advil. Eli has really been enjoying gumming at banana and he has a tooth cutting through on the top!
    Good luck, you'll get through it no problem!
