
9 months

We went to the doctor for her 9-month check. She is 19 lb 5 oz. I'm not even gonna keep track of her length, because there is such a huge margin of error and at some appointments she is shorter than she was at the last one. 

I think she is pretty well on track with her development. Over the weekend, she began saying new consonants. Until then, she was always only saying B's (like bbabbabba) and Jesse was always thrilled because "abba" is korean for daddy and he keeps saying that is her first word (i don't think so!). Now she has added "ch", "j", "y", and "d". It's really funny because sometimes it sounds like she is saying "Jeshee"...

She is a big climber. She likes to climb stairs, mattresses, pillows, ME, Reggie's bed, etc. She also likes to stand up against the TV stand and open the door and pull out all the DVDs. She is also a really fast crawler and will "run away" from you if you're trying to prevent her from getting into trouble. She loves to go and splatter Reggie's water bowl all over the floor and so we have to constantly move his water bowl throughout the day. She can "jam-jam" which is opening and closing the fist repeatedly. If we say "ko" (which means nose), she will put her hand in her mouth (she is supposed to touch her nose, but it doesn't quite make it up to it). She is warming up to people a lot faster now (she will still cry initially, but usually that's all). She's also began biting (i don't know if that's just cuz she is teething) people, especially my mom. She will often come up to me and put her open mouth on my body, whether it's my knee, my arm, my face, anything. If she finds my robe on the floor, she likes to smother herself in it and roll around in it. 

Eating-wise, she seems to be getting pickier. She is okay with most vegetables, but she is now starting to dislike meats, i think. She still loves any and all fruit. She is nursing twice a day with formula once a day. I started her on homo milk to drink with her meals and she loves it. 

When we saw the doctor yesterday, he was really not a fan of giving homo AT ALL before 1 year. Apparently cow's milk interferes with iron absorption in the stomach and can lead to anemia. AND apparently a study done following kids who were anemic as babies showed that they had slightly lower IQs. So what should I do? 

Also with the weaning, I decided to keep nursing until she is 1. The main reason for weaning was to possibly get pregnant again, but after talking over it with Jesse a few more times, we decided we would wait til spring maybe. Although if we aren't preggers by July 2011, Gemma will probably be our only biological child.

and I think that's it for now.

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