

I never knew a 9-month-old could be such terror. Isn't the terribleness supposed to start when they're 2 years old? This kid has such a bad temper and is so darn moody! (i swear my genes had nothing to do with it, LOL) She is so overly dramatic and I swear it's getting worse everyday. I feel like I don't want to give in to her demands if she is screaming, but what can I do? I feel like we're always battling each other - like who is gonna give in first? I tell ya, this kid is relentless. She can scream non-stop for a good solid hour or longer if I ignore her. How do I discipline her? I'm not against spanking, but right now she won't be able to understand why I'm spanking her. But that goes the same with me raising my voice, ignoring her, whatever. She won't understand why I'm being "mean" to her.



  1. I feel the same way! I dont know how to discipline Eli because part of me thinks he doesnt fully understand why Im disciplining him. But (always a but, right!?) I've learned that he is smarter then we think! Depending on the situation and how often or how long he has been throwing a tantrum for Ill put him in the time out spot (his crib, or under the window in the living room) and if he is just throwing a tantrum because Ive taken something away from him or he doesnt like something I have or havent done I just ignore him. He'll scream for sometime 30 seconds or 5 minutes but I dont give him the attention that he's seeking. I think at 9 months she is becoming more independant and has a mind of her own so she is able to show you what she does and doesnt like. I think if you calmly explain to her why your putting her in her crib if shes having a tantrum, give her a few toys and walk out of the room she'll start to understand. Consistency is the key, but not always easy!! Isnt this part of parenting fun!? We feel the same way as you pretty much all the time!!

  2. We aren't to the "disciplining" stage yet, Annika is still quite easy to distract but one of the things my sister-in-law said helps with their toddler is to decrease the number of times you need to say "no". For example if you don't want her to play with the TV remotes and she throws a fit every time you take them away or she sees them and can't play with them. Then put them up high where she can't see them. The whole if she doesn't see it she doesn't want it!
    Shawn and I keep on saying we need to "baby proof" our play area, put away everything that can get broken or hurt her. And then hopefully, Annika can explore without us having to say "no-no" as much.
    Give us a couple months and I'll be coming to you for advice!

  3. thanks ladies. and yes it is true that she is smarter than i think sometimes.
