
A New Routine

So after the nightmarish week of Leni not sleeping, things have turned for the better. I admit nights are still hard in that she is still eating every 3 hours, but her daytime naps have improved dramatically. I think the reason for the fickle naps was entirely my fault. In looking for the easy way out, I let Leni sleep however she wanted and wherever she happened to fall asleep. I forgot how important it is to swaddle, sleep her on her back, and in the same spot always. It's true - for many naps, I had her on her tummy, just because she would get a solid sleep that way. No more. I implemented the same routine that I had with Gemma, which is eat, play sleep (swaddled, take her to the bathroom with the fan on, then put her down before she actually falls asleep). 

and it's now working. It took a couple of tries to get her used to the swaddle again and also sleeping on her back again, but we've got it now, i think. 

We also got a new soother to try - the soothie. While she doesn't love this soother, she takes it way better than any other. And while this isn't the answer to all our problems, it allows me to get an extra hour or so of sleep during the night when Leni cries out.

We've only been doing this routine for the last few days, but so far it is working great. I just hope with time she will only sleep longer and longer during the night... here's hoping...

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