Tomorrow, my baby is gonna be 4 months old. She is such a joy and I love her more each day. She just loves to be cuddled and as long as she is held, she doesn't make a fuss. She loves to look at books and ride her sister's rocking horse (with some help, of course), as well as look at the mirror and make conversation with the little bald baby looking back at her.
She goes for her shots on Wednesday and so I will have a weight and length at that point. I'm curious to know how much she has grown even from her 3-month appointment.
I don't know if she is going through a growth spurt or just her stuffed nose is really bothering her or what, but she has been sleeping terribly night and day since Thursday. She was up crying at least 10 times on Thursday night, same on Friday night, and finally last night was better at four times. On Thursday night, I even gave her a bottle at 3 AM because I couldn't get her to go back to sleep (and the reason I gave her a bottle, if you are curious, is because I don't want to be waking up with ready-to-explode boobs at 3 AM for the next three nights because I nursed her that ONE time). Yesterday all day she slept a total of maybe an hour and 20 minutes and so finally I had to let her scream it out for bedtime and she finally passed out after 40 minutes of screaming.
All that aside, Leni is truly a sweetheart and while I love both of my girls very much, she tugs on different heart strings than Gemma, so it's like they each have different parts of my heart, but in equal amounts. LOL. I am so blessed!
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