
Taking turns...not good.

Okay, so now that Leni's finally been getting some sleep at night, Gemma is giving me a hard time going to bed! Over the last several weeks, she has been really cooperative at nap times and even walks up the steps to her bed herself. I've been elated that we have not had to fight to get her to nap. At night, we would put her down, and on average she would call out to us twice or so, where we'd tuck her back in and eventually she would go to sleep. The last couple of nights, she would call out for 2 hours or more, crying and flipping out if I don't respond to her most politely. 

So today, I decided not to put her down for a nap. 

We put Gemma down at 7:30 and has not made a peep in the last 35 minutes. 

Sounds like we found a solution, huh? But man, i don't think I am ready for her to drop her nap altogether. Thankfully Leni had a 3-hour nap so I only had to deal with Gemma, but I came to realize that I really need that break in the day where both kids sleep, whether it's 15 minutes or 2 hours. It was like Gemma not napping made ME cranky and, though I hate to admit it, that crankiness was coming out in how I interacted with Gemma. 

Hopefully a better night's sleep means happier mom tomorrow...


  1. Oh my goodness, i am dealing with the exact same thing! We decided that Rocco will have no more naps so now i have a quiet time with him...or more like, i sit him at the table with a dvd, snack, a coloring book and some crayons and he is good there for an hour and i tell him it's quiet time. Then i lay in bed or watch tv by myself. That way i get a break and so does he...he needs some quiet time. But i still miss when we ALL nap! Good luck!

  2. What if you tried putting Gemma down later than her usual bedtime. We've kind of been playing around with Eli's schedule, because there were a few days where he would fart around in his room and not nap at all, but I then realized if we put him to bed later, he also slept in later, and would still nap. We're still trying to figure out what exactly the schedule is, but it seems like its working for the time being. Might be something to try, cause I know Im defintely not ready for Eli to give up his naps for my sake too!!
