
Taking the Plunge

Since we started the potty training process now a month ago, poor Gemma has been pretty well housebound. We've made short excursions to the playground, the grocery store, the pool, etc., but she hasn't been in Calgary in a month, forget the 3.5 drive to Edmonton. We are kind of in a dilemma because I'm not sure what to do with her when taking her out of the house, far away from the house. So far, we haven't had accidents while we've been out, but we make sure she pees before we leave and try to be back within an hour, just in case. Because she hasn't mastered the toilet seat adapter and because we still don't know exactly how much time we have after she says "potty" or "pee" until she actually pees, we've been afraid to take her out anywhere. 

Today, we are going to bite the bullet. We are planning on going out for supper as a family into the city and figure we have to do this at one point or another. Of course we will pee her before we leave, try once we get there and before we leave the restaurant. I'll take the seat adapter and cross my fingers that she will be willing to use it IF ONLY in public, but also take the potty, just in case. Not to mention a change of clothes and maybe a towel for the car. 

I know that a pull-up may be useful in situations like this, but really what difference is there between a pull-up and a diaper?

Wish us luck.

1 comment:

  1. Grace Ive heard of alot of moms taking their potty into the vehicle with them. So if their out and about and their child has to go they have a potty they can whip out, pop them on, do their business, and then deal with the "stuff" after. I had quite a few moms in my moms group tell me this is what they do. You could find a potty that is exactly the same as the one she sits on at home and put it in your vehicle.
