
What a Night!

I think that was actually the worst night we've EVER had with Gemma. It was awful. We're all walking around like zombies today.

First of all, day 1 of one nap per day went really well. I mean, she was dead tired by 7 PM, but still managed to sleep until 7 AM, so figured that was what she needed. It was a success.

Day 2, however, not the same. Yesterday, gemma was extremely cranky the ENTIRE day. always whining no matter what she was doing - eating, playing, being read to, cuddling, etc. Yet she only napped for an hour and a half. By 7 PM, she was completely exhausted and went down like a light.

Starting at about 11 PM, she kept waking up. Instead of falling back to sleep, she would start screaming louder, so I went in to help her back to sleep. But each time I turned to leave, she would start screaming agian and not go back to sleep. After about an hour of that, I finally just picked her up and rocked this 22-pounder for an HOUR. It's like she was suspicious that I would leave in the midst of rocking her, so she would close her eyes, but then open them again almost in a panic just to make sure i was there still holding her. I put her down after an hour and she fell asleep.

Twenty minutes later, back to screaming. I decided to do something i NEVER do and bring her into our bed with us. She's not used to such a thing and had a hard time getting comfortable. She would sit up and cry, roll this way and that way, sit up again and cry, etc. It was awful.

Finally she managed to just pass out and the three of us got about 2 hours of sleep. Just after 5 AM, she is back to crying, so I just took her over to the bonus room and laid down beside her. She cuddled with Minnie and was rolling all over the place, sometimes looking like she might fall asleep, but she never did. At close to 6 my mom came and got her and gave her some formula. She told me to get some sleep, so I slept for an hour before starting work.

Right now it's 8 AM and Gemma passed out while my mom was giving her a piggyback about 20 minutes ago. My mom's back in bed as well.

One nap + flu shot + teething = horrible night and I have learned my lesson.

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