
Christmas 2010

Merry Belated Christmas! It's hard to believe it has come and gone already. I know it's only the 27th today, but we spent the morning taking down our Christmas decorations and tidying up. 

We had a wonderful, quiet, and lazy Christmas. It was our first year EVER (and maybe the only year ever) where we just celebrated the season just by ourselves. Well, my brother came down, but that barely counts. Besides, he's already gone up to Edmonton and we won't see him again for a week or so.
We opened presents on Christmas eve and Gemma was thrilled to see so many new toys! I got a giftcard to help me buy some boots (don't want to slip!) and some kitchen things, which i love getting. 

I would say the highlight (or the lowlight, rather) of this Christmas was the turkey dinner. We were originally not going to have turkey, but i decided just a few days before that i wanted it, so we bought the smallest turkey in the history of turkeys - a 7 pounder. It was a utility grade, but i felt around it to make sure it had all its legs and wings, etc. I was actually more worried that it might be missing the innards or the neck (crucial for the best gravy). To my horror, when I opened it up the day before to brine it, we saw that half of its SKIN was missing! Every other part was there, but half of it's SKIN was missing! I got into a pessimistic mode right away. This pretty much guaranteed a dry turkey. Good thing we weren't expecting company. 

Well, the turkey turned out okay. I think the brine must have saved it. However, it took forever to cook it, which was so surprising. Usually I make a turkey double this size, at about 15 lbs. I think it took just as long to cook this one! They say a stuffed turkey needs to cook about 16 minutes per pound, but when I took it out 2 hours later, it was still raw at the legs! I was totally not expecting that and the table was set and everything was ready, but we had to wait another hour for the stupid turkey to finish cooking. On top of that, i burned myself four times and now have wonderful tiger stripes along my forearm. And it gets better - when we finally all sat down to eat, i spilled the punch all over my homemade buns, ruining half of them!

But the mashed potatoes were the best I've had, the gravy (a new recipe) was delicious, and my usual go-to stuffing recipe didn't let me down. Gemma really enjoyed the dinner and ate everything as long as the stuffing was a part of it. The salad didn't get too wilty even though it was sitting in its dressing for an hour. Jesse actually commented that he liked this turkey better than any other turkey i've ever made as this one was drier and my turkeys are usually "too moist" for his taste. what a weirdo. 

All in all, it was a Christmas I'll never forget. And while we enjoyed the quiet and comfort of being just our family,  i have to admit that i miss the hustle, the bustle, and my crazy, but fun family. I can't wait to see everyone this weekend. 

Hope you had a wonderful Christmas with your loved ones.


Picky Eater

I don't know what's gotten into Gemma lately, but it's been a battle every mealtime to try to get her to eat. No matter what it is, her initial reaction is to spit it back out. She doesn’t like some of her favorite foods anymore and while she might have really enjoyed something one day, the next day she will refuse to eat it.

I use to brag about what a good eater she was, that she would eat anything and everything and eat until her belly looked about ready to burst.

She used to be so focused when she would get her milk. She wouldn't dare move until her entire bottle was gone. Now, she drinks about half of what she has and then just chews on the spout, flings the cup around, and just loses interest. Is this just a phase she'll get past or is this her new thing?


First Prenatal Visit

I went to High River today for my first appointment there. As soon as I got there, Dr. Makhdoom saw me (the doc who delivered Gemma) and burst out laughing, saying "you're back! I can't believe it!" She is such a cool doctor, I just love her. She did the history taking, took my blood pressure, and just felt around for the uterus, which was still too small for her to palpate. We talked about dates and going by my last period, the due date is July 21 (which would make me 10 weeks) which I know is not accurate. I know exactly when I ovulated and so I know the due date should be July 30. Anyways, I am booked for a "dating" ultrasound in the new year, so hopefully that will show it. Even when she was trying to feel my uterus, she said I must be less than 10 weeks, which I'm sure is right. I'm right now 8.5 weeks.

She sent me for blood work and now I go back in 4 weeks, 2 weeks after my ultrasound. I can't wait to see this little one - though it won't look like much, just a blob. Still, I'm excited.


1-year Vaccinations

I think they should change the way they do these vaccinations. It's brutal! Even for an adult, getting 3 shots all at once is scary. Gemma had four, including her flu shot booster. She cried for so long after her needles and had a rough early morning. She was crying on and off throughout the night and finally was really wailing, so I went in and rocked her for a bit. She was so warm, I think she maybe had a fever. After rocking her for a little bit, I started getting super hot because she was so warm, so I got up to open her door and that kinda woke her up. she resumed the wailing screams and then wouldn't stop for nearly 20 minutes. She refused milk, which she NEVER EVER does, and went from person to person, crying and crying some more. I felt terrible.

she is so tired that she has been napping for an hour already (and it's 11 AM). I gave her some Tylenol and hope that helps a bit.


My husband the Journeyman

well it's been a long 4 years. basically another degree, right? but Jesse completed his plumbing apprenticeship and he is now officially a journeyman plumber (as long as he passed his exams, but i don't think we need to worry about that). I am so proud of him. I know it was never the job of his dreams, but he stuck it out and finished it. and he didn't just half-ass his technical training either. Every year, he came out with really awesome marks, near the top of his class. 

All the time, work, and patience has finally paid off. Good job, Bunny! Gemma and I are so proud of you!


All by herself!

It's only 8:22 AM, but already this morning Gemma did something new! She stood up all on her own, not holding on to anything! Then she walked over to me.

I would say she is pretty much walking, but she is still kinda inconsistent. She can sometimes walk the length of our entire livingroom and into the kitchen, but then sometimes she can only take a couple steps and then she falls on her butt. Everyday, though, it seems like her "max" gets longer and longer and while she is still somewhat unsteady, she is much more steady than she was even say a week ago. She also now likes to walk everywhere, from toy to toy, from person to person. Up until now, it was only if she was already standing, but now that she can stand up on her own, maybe she'll choose to get up and walk instead of crawling!


sick, then not, then sick

Two days ago was a good day. I was feeling better. I didn't throw up the entire day!

Yesterday is another story. I felt probably the worst I've ever felt (pregnancy-related I mean). I was also in a daze all day from feeling so tired.

It's weird. I don't have any aversions to anything specific, but I just don't want to eat. I skipped supper last night, which my mom spent all day preparing (and so I felt terrible). Then of course I get a hankering for fettuccini alfredo (and I make THE best fettuccini alfredo), so I was going to get Jesse to go buy some cream and then make some, but then mom suggests it's better not to cook it myself because I might not want it after I cook it. which is often true. So Jesse ran to boston pizza to pick one up for me. Not very good of course, but whatever. oh and then I threw up afterwards.

This morning I feel better. I'm less tired and not so nauseous. I haven't thrown up yet and not feeling so sluggish. But i do crave a donair from our favorite place and so Jesse is going to pick one up for me on his way home from school. Mmmm... Can't wait.


7 weeks

Ugh. I am so sick right now. Pregnancy is so weird.

Smells don't bother me as much as they did with Gemma around this time. In fact, there isn't anything that makes me feel real sick just by the smell. But everytime I eat, I feel really sick - like there is just food stuck in my stomach that won't move and it just wants to come back up. So far since yesterday morning I've thrown up with every meal or anything I eat. The vomiting wasn't this bad with Gemma. I don't really want to eat, but it's way better to throw up food than just stomach acid.

That and I have no energy. Like NONE. I could sleep probably all day and night if I was allowed to.

Last night I dreamt that I was at my ultrasound and I was having twins. I started to cry and was so upset. That reflects how I really feel about having twins - if Gemma would've been a twin, that would've been fine, but I don't want my second child(ren) to be twins. I would feel terrible for Gemma. I'm scare that everything would then be "about the twins".

I'm sure there is only one in here right now though.

Anyways, I better drag my butt back to work. Ugh - 2 more weeks and then a nice long break!


1 year old

I spent this entire weekend looking at the clock and trying to remember what was going on at that exact moment last year. Boy, my labor sure was long! Weirdly, even though I was in so much pain, time went so fast while I was in labor, even though I dilated so slowly. I guess it must be a trick of the brain to help you cope.

Gemma is ONE. I took her for her 1-year appointment yesterday. She weighed 22 pounds (yay, forward facing, here we come!) and was 73 cm long (though I always take the length measurement with a grain of salt). She was tired and screamed as soon as we stepped into the room. I could hardly hear what the doctor was saying the entire time.

We ran out of formula yesterday morning, perfect timing, so we are now fully on homo milk! Luckily Gemma loves the taste of milk and isn't picky at all about the temperature of it.

She can say the following (and know their meaning or what the words represent, not just blabbing random words): umma (mom), appa (dad), shi-gae (clock), bba-bba (food), bba-bbang (like a car honking noise - this is what she calls "car" and is the sound she makes when she pushes any car around), ga-ja (let's go), mool (water), moo (radish), oo-you (milk, though this one is not as clear), kka-kka (snack), chek (book), and kkot (flower - again, this one is not as clear), and.... Diaper!

She can't say these words, but know what they represent/mean: oree (duck), Minnie (Minnie Mouse), Daisy (Daisy Duck), toki (rabbit), nabi (butterfly), Reggie, harmony, bar (foot), sohn (hand), gui (ear), ko (nose), ja-ja (let's go to sleep), bath time, no, bbo-bbo (kiss), jjak-jjak (clap), gon-jee (poke the palm of one hand with the index finger of the other hand), jem-jem (open and close the hands), dori-dori (shake head from side to side).

she is walking more and more on her own (from standing at the couch to come to me, or from toy to toy), though she still prefers to crawl. she is definitely more steady too and can take slower steps.

She is also talking more and more and tries to mimic what we say.

I don't mean to brag, but sometimes I can't help it... she is just so stinkin smart (must get it from her mother, LOL).

Happy birthday to my little darling. Mommy and Daddy love you to bits and couldn't be more proud of you.



Wow, what a party. 

Yesterday, Jesse, Gemma, and I celebrated her birthday with 47 guests. I was so frazzled in many ways because I wanted to keep things moving as I knew there were babies who were getting cranky and people who were getting hungry, but all in all, i think things went well. The biggest surprise of all was how well Gemma did even with only a half hour nap in the morning. 

After we ate, we changed Gemma into her hanbok and did the doljabi - which is where the baby picks an item amongst a few items laid in front of her, each with a different meaning for her future. We had rice (health), notebook and pencil (brains), yarn (long life), and money (wealth). Gemma didn't hesitate. She went right for the pencil. She's gonna be a genius (but I already knew that, she's so smart even now)!!!

Gemma was showered with gifts and we sang happy birthday, she got to taste her first real sweet (a carrot cupcake). Lots and Lots of pictures and hugs and visits later, we all went home. 
She slept like a rock in the car and didn't wake up when my mom picked her up out of the car. She just laid her in her crib and Gemma kept on sleeping. I finally had to wake her up 2 hours later. 

Boy, did she ever love the attention of family and friends. She is very blessed and loved and I hope she always "remembers" this day through the photos and cards. 

Thank you everyone for making this such a special day for our little family. What a party.