
1 year old

I spent this entire weekend looking at the clock and trying to remember what was going on at that exact moment last year. Boy, my labor sure was long! Weirdly, even though I was in so much pain, time went so fast while I was in labor, even though I dilated so slowly. I guess it must be a trick of the brain to help you cope.

Gemma is ONE. I took her for her 1-year appointment yesterday. She weighed 22 pounds (yay, forward facing, here we come!) and was 73 cm long (though I always take the length measurement with a grain of salt). She was tired and screamed as soon as we stepped into the room. I could hardly hear what the doctor was saying the entire time.

We ran out of formula yesterday morning, perfect timing, so we are now fully on homo milk! Luckily Gemma loves the taste of milk and isn't picky at all about the temperature of it.

She can say the following (and know their meaning or what the words represent, not just blabbing random words): umma (mom), appa (dad), shi-gae (clock), bba-bba (food), bba-bbang (like a car honking noise - this is what she calls "car" and is the sound she makes when she pushes any car around), ga-ja (let's go), mool (water), moo (radish), oo-you (milk, though this one is not as clear), kka-kka (snack), chek (book), and kkot (flower - again, this one is not as clear), and.... Diaper!

She can't say these words, but know what they represent/mean: oree (duck), Minnie (Minnie Mouse), Daisy (Daisy Duck), toki (rabbit), nabi (butterfly), Reggie, harmony, bar (foot), sohn (hand), gui (ear), ko (nose), ja-ja (let's go to sleep), bath time, no, bbo-bbo (kiss), jjak-jjak (clap), gon-jee (poke the palm of one hand with the index finger of the other hand), jem-jem (open and close the hands), dori-dori (shake head from side to side).

she is walking more and more on her own (from standing at the couch to come to me, or from toy to toy), though she still prefers to crawl. she is definitely more steady too and can take slower steps.

She is also talking more and more and tries to mimic what we say.

I don't mean to brag, but sometimes I can't help it... she is just so stinkin smart (must get it from her mother, LOL).

Happy birthday to my little darling. Mommy and Daddy love you to bits and couldn't be more proud of you.

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