

Wow, what a party. 

Yesterday, Jesse, Gemma, and I celebrated her birthday with 47 guests. I was so frazzled in many ways because I wanted to keep things moving as I knew there were babies who were getting cranky and people who were getting hungry, but all in all, i think things went well. The biggest surprise of all was how well Gemma did even with only a half hour nap in the morning. 

After we ate, we changed Gemma into her hanbok and did the doljabi - which is where the baby picks an item amongst a few items laid in front of her, each with a different meaning for her future. We had rice (health), notebook and pencil (brains), yarn (long life), and money (wealth). Gemma didn't hesitate. She went right for the pencil. She's gonna be a genius (but I already knew that, she's so smart even now)!!!

Gemma was showered with gifts and we sang happy birthday, she got to taste her first real sweet (a carrot cupcake). Lots and Lots of pictures and hugs and visits later, we all went home. 
She slept like a rock in the car and didn't wake up when my mom picked her up out of the car. She just laid her in her crib and Gemma kept on sleeping. I finally had to wake her up 2 hours later. 

Boy, did she ever love the attention of family and friends. She is very blessed and loved and I hope she always "remembers" this day through the photos and cards. 

Thank you everyone for making this such a special day for our little family. What a party.

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