
Care for some juice?

I feel like I've started this pregnancy on the wrong foot. I've been eating crap after crap after crap, eating out or having take-out almost everyday. It's only recently gotten better now that i can tolerate the smell of foods cooking in the house again. Still, my tastebuds don't work like they did pre-pregnancy and so I don't want to eat a lot of the things that i used to like. With Gemma, i craved a lot of fruit and fruit was abundant in the summer months. I ate my fill of cherries, peaches, nectarines, strawberries... Right now with it being winter and all the fruits tasting like water, it's hard to really try enjoying them. Don't even get me started on vegetables. A couple months back, i was on an Opa kick and was eating their greek salad everyday for a week. I think that week i ate more veggies in those salads than i have the rest of this pregnancy... unless you count the "full serving of vegetables" in Chef Boyardee or the little veggie flakes in ramen... *sigh*... poor baby. 

So i decided enough is enough. Weirdly, i can't force myself to eat anything if i don't want to and so I decided to start juicing again. We used to juice awhile back and have an awesome Breville juicer that i paid $500 for... I dusted off the ol' gal and started juicing maybe about 4 or 5 days ago. 

The usual recipe is ... well, whatever we have around the house, which is usually carrots, celery, apples, spinach, and orange. yesterday we went to Costco and i picked up a bag of pears. I hardly ever (okay, never) eat raw carrots or celery and so this is a good way to at least get some veggies in my diet... 

what does it taste like, you ask? not bad actually. i use about three packed handfuls of spinach every time i juice and you can never taste it, although it turns the juice unappetizingly green. and weirdly, my mind feels clearer in these last few days. It probably has nothing to do with the juice, but i feel like i can concentrate better and have put in two of my most productive days at work with compliments from the boss. 

the first 2 days i gave Gemma about a quarter cup to drink (which she guzzled right up) but then i noticed she was waking up frequently at night, so i stopped. then she was back to sleeping solidly again. i don't know how the juice affects her sleep, but okay. weird. 

anyways, i feel like i need to make some major changes in my life these days. other than trying to get the anger issues under wraps, i want to eat better, get healthier and more active, and stop biting my nails, which has been a lifelong struggle. any tips on that would help too, but know that i've tried everything so far other than hypnotherapy and behavioral therapy. obviously nothing worked.

anyways... how do i end this post? give juicing a try if you haven't! it's actually quite refreshing... okay. i'm out.

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