

i don't know why i always sabotage myself. 

We have a great routine. Gemma wakes up around 6 AM to eat, then she goes back down to sleep until about 8 or 9. Then she eats again, plays, then naps. She typically wakes up right about 3 hours after she ate last, so then this repeats; she eats, plays, then naps. The routine ends at about 5 or 6 PM, depending on what time she wakes up from her latest nap. Then we play, have a bath, play, eat, play quietly for a very short time, then we cuddle and she goes down for the night at about 8:30-9.

Then people tell me: 

"her bedtime is too late", "you should let her soothe herself", "she's sleeping too much", "she's not eating enough", "she's not warm enough", blah blah blah. 

Then I start to think, "hmmm. maybe her bedtime IS too late... maybe i should let her cry it out a bit.... maybe she IS napping too much... maybe I should wake her during the night to feed her... maybe i should put more layers on her"

Then I put her down earlier with disastrous results through the night, where neither we nor she gets any sleep.

I let her cry for an hour to no avail. I truly don't believe that method works for every baby.  Besides, I will only get maybe a couple years where she LIKES to be cuddled. I want to make the most of that time.

She naps a total of about 5 hours or so during the day. She also plays A LOT. If she doesn't nap when she wants to, she is cranky and overtired and doesn't sleep as well at night.

If she wanted to eat in the middle of the night, I'm sure she would wake up to do so, right? She is gaining weight and growing nicely.

Gemma sleeps in a footed cotton sleeper, is swaddled in a large receiving blanket, and then a chenille blanket on top with a knitted blanket on top of that. do you really think she needs to wear more clothes? 

I'm starting to get fed up with the things i "should do" or "shouldn't do"as a parent. We have a routine that works perfectly with our schedule. What is the problem?

1 comment:

  1. Best piece of advice anyone ever gave us was to trust our instinct. We know our baby better than anyone else, and so therefore we know whats best for him! Just like you do with Gemma! Everyone will tell you all the time what you should do differently, stick to your guns! You know whats best for that beautiful girl!!
