
Can't Escape the Genes....

I am such an impatient person. My mother is an impatient person. My father, my brother, my grandmother...I think it's really because we're Korean. Koreans must be the most impatient people on the face of this Earth. Everything is "hurry, hurry" - "can you bring down the laundry? hurry, hurry!"..."can you bring your empty plates? hurry, hurry"..."are you ready to go?? hurry! hurry!"...

Poor Jesse. It's not in his nature to "hurry, hurry" and so he's always being rushed...

With her personality coming through more and more, it becomes more apparent that Gemma is also very impatient. She has the "hurry, hurry" gene sewn right in her DNA. When she wants to be picked up, it's like "pick me up NOW"... when she eats, she sits there and kicks her feet and whines anytime the spoon is not in her mouth...when she gets tired of a toy, she has to throw it forcefully, not just let go of it. She and I fight all the time when I nurse her because she will cry until my milk lets down and then cry once the let-down is gone and the flow slows down. If she would keep sucking patiently I could have another big let-down, but she can never wait for it to happen. 

If she's like this already... I can't WAIT for the terrible two's...

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