
Leni - 1 month old

I can't believe it. These last couple of weeks have flown by it seems. 

Leni is starting to follow objects, but has not perfected the art of it. She is definitely more awake during the day now and will sometimes quietly play for more than an hour. She is still up every 3 hours to eat during the night and I hope that will stretch out a bit soon... 

I take her in for a weight on Tuesday. 

One thing I noticed that is different is that Leni has quite the lousy skin. Gemma always had beautiful, clear skin and I remember getting complimented on her skin numerous times. Leni, on the other hand, has tons of bumps, baby acne, and those stork bites on her forehead and eyes don't help any. I know it will clear up, but I wonder if she will have problematic skin when she is a teenager. I never had problems with acne growing up, but Jesse has - so I wonder if she has more of Jesse's skin type...

1 comment:

  1. Eli had the same skin, bad baby acne, and his skin is now very sensitive to everything... even his stork bite is still there, and gets very red and noticable when he cries!! Gotta love the little things about them!!
