
No Peas Please

I have to say, Gemma is a tremendous eater. She isn't too picky and even if she doesn't like the taste, she'll still swallow and continue to open up for more. Obviously she much prefers the sweeter fruits to the vegetables, but still she will accept a very varied diet. Green beans, cauliflower, broccoli, beef, chicken, yogurt, egg yolk, avocado, etc. She will eat them all, some more happily than others. 

Until yesterday. 

Costco has started carrying organic frozen veggies and so I picked up a bag of peas. Gemma has been eating finger foods (Cheerios, banana slices, crackers, etc) for a little while now, so i gave her some peas on her plate that she could pick up and eat herself. 

She picked one up carefully between her fingers and placed it in her mouth, gummed down several times, then...

all hell broke loose. 

She started screaming as if to say "what are you trying to do to me, woman?". 

and of course the mean mom that I am, I put another pea in her mouth, which she protested and screamed about even more. I then took a few and mushed it with a fork, then gave it to her in a spoon. She opened her mouth willingly, but then as soon as it was in her mouth, she began screaming again. So Gemma is screaming and crying in her high chair with peas all still just resting on her tongue and Jesse and I are laughing our heads off because we have never seen her react this way to anything we have given her thus far. As soon as I put a Cheerio in her mouth, she is happily gumming it down. The moment I put a pea in, she is back to screaming.

Jesse was telling Gemma how proud he is of her for hating peas (it's probably Jesse's least favorite vegetable) and cheering everytime she screamed. Nice, huh? Dads.... sigh...

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