
natural induction?

first thing's first: i KNOW that the baby will come when she's ready.

second: i really really really really really DON'T WANT a medical induction. so i'm praying REAL HARD that she comes either on or before her due date. really, anytime (other than today because i'm in so much pain) is good for me.

so don't be all judgemental after reading the title of this post. i'm not doing anything drastic, i just want to help things along if i can.

there is a track just behind our house at the high school. jesse and i've been walking at least 3 laps for the last few days (minus yesterday).

last night, i made marinara sauce for the eggplant parmesan recipe from Scalini's, which is famous for sending women into labor within 48 hours. guess what we're having for supper tonight.

tomorrow or tonight, i will pick up a fresh pineapple and attempt to eat the whole thing - if my mouth doesn't burn off first.

really, those are harmless, don't you think? it's just food and walking. i'll tell you this - no castor oil, no tea, no herbs, no supplements, nada. i'm not gonna go THAT far. but who knows, as December 9 comes and goes, i might give ANYTHING a try in order to avoid a medical induction.


medical induction (usually cervadil or pitocin) = much stronger contractions than normal = puts baby at distress and mom in much more pain than needed = more interventions = more likely to have a C-section.

that's why.

i'll let you know how supper tastes tonight.

1 comment:

  1. Your right about the inductions! Pitocin = 31 hours of labor for me!!

    However let me tell you Grace, if baby is not ready none of those things will work! I tried everything! Well not quite everything, I did not try the castor oil, but my dr. suggested I try everything before we used drugs. Sex apparently is another one! I also tried using raspberry tea which is a uterine tonic... usually makes it contract. I drank that stuff like there was no tomorrow, and nothing! The dr. tried stripping my membranes 4 times!! Nothing! I pray that you dont have to be induced, but if you do I'm praying that you'll have peace about it. Either way the end result will be the same. Baby!!
