

So we've been going out the last 3 days with the toilet seat adapter on hand and it has been really great. Gemma has been telling us "pee" when she needs to go and she has had no issues using the adapter. It sure makes life easier, knowing we can go just about anywhere as long as there is a bathroom nearby. So far, no accidents away from the house. I hope it continues to be this way. 

I have no idea why, but Gemma has been obsessed with babies lately. She sees babies while we're out and she just gets so excited. She points out every single baby from real-life babies to baby dolls to pictures of babies and just loves babies right now. I hope this means she will love the baby that will be coming home in a few weeks...

I feel like i'm going to be pregnant forever. I can't imaging myself going into labor in the next 2.5 weeks and i feel like i will literally be pregnant forever. I am excited for my appointment on Thursday when i will get checked and have my membranes stripped, but i have to remind myself to be ready for "bad news" (as in i'm not progressing in the slightest). I myself am also getting excited to meet this little one and see what she looks like and am crossing my fingers that all that chocolate and ice cream in the last month or so won't result in a 10+ pound baby... stupid me. 

We are back to being stuck on a name. We had our ah-ha! moment, but for reasons i may explain later, i am kind of hesitant to go with it. I really like another name, but Jesse is a bit hesitant about that one. So we are now kind of at a stand still... again... sigh...
Going through all of Gemma's newborn stuff and unpacking newborn diapers and such, i can't believe what a big girl Gemma is now. She will be 19 months old in 2 days and i wonder where that time has gone! She is  such a smart, loving, funny, beautiful little person full of surprises for me each and every day. I really can't wait to see how she does with her new baby sister. 

That's all for now!

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