

A taemong is a korean dream of conception. I've written about it when i was pregnant with Gemma and you can read about the nature of these dreams and also what I dreamt at the time here. With Gemma, the dreams came before we even knew the gender, so it was neat (and the dreams were right). 

With this baby, I never had a dream. Neither did my mom nor Jesse (but that's rather to be expected). Yesterday, though, my mom was on the phone with my grandma in Korea who told her that she had my taemong dream. This is what she told us:

I dreamt I was in the mountains and I dug up a bellflower root. It was such a beautiful root with beautiful green foliage. 

I know we already know this baby is a girl (well, 99% sure anyway, though i guess we'll be 100% sure when the baby is born), but it's still really neat to hear that my grandma had the dream for me. My grandma said that typically root dreams tend to mean a boy, but this root was so strikingly beautiful, it means a girl. 

I love that both of my children will have these stories to be told to them when they are older. Neat, huh?

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