
Leni - 7 months

I seriously can't help but smile when I see this little girl. She is just so sweet. She isn't temperamental, she isn't fussy, and she is generally content to sit and play for a long time. Of course, when she is tired or hungry, she will let you know! She is honestly the sweetest, cutest little thing I have ever seen. She is cute in a completely different way than Gemma was...

Still no teeth, which is really frustrating because I can feel them, see them, and they are RIGHT THERE, just not making that final push out. At this point, Gemma had her bottom and top front teeth, so it's odd having a toothless 7-month-old. 

She likes to clap with you and open and close her hands with you. She isn't a laugher and it's really hard to get her to laugh. She will squeal and smile, but not laugh. Maybe we're just not funny enough. LOL. 

She also loves to sit with Gemma and watch TV. I know, how awful...

Gemma is finally starting to warm to Leni more. Now, she gets really excited when she hears Leni wake up. She runs to her room, climbs the side of the crib, reaches in to touch Leni, and says "good morning Leni, did you sleep well (in korean)?" She will also give her hugs and kisses goodnight and if Leni fusses while playing because a toy is out of reach, Gemma picks it up and gives it to her. 

No signs of crawling yet, though she has been trying to go more from sitting to belly on purpose (and not just falling over by accident). 

Tomorrow is Valentines Day... wishing you a romantic day with your partners! I know we're not doing anything but...

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