
This and That

I've been so busy lately; there's been a lot going on. I barely have time to sit these days! I'll just make note of some things I wanted to write in here quickly:

Leni has discovered how to use a straw and is always stealing Gemma's straw cup to drink her water if it's in her reach. Leni loves to drink water!

Leni has also expanded her vocabulary! LOL. She now says "B" sounds all the time, "ba ba ba ba boo boo boo", "M" sounds, and "G" sounds. She is soooo chatty and between these two chatterboxes, I hardly get a moment of quiet in my day! 

Up until now, Leni's been very afraid of baths. As a baby, we always bathed Gemma and she developed a fear of showers. To prevent this, we showered Leni as a baby and that made her afraid of baths! Oy vay! The last couple of days, we tried slowly easing Leni into sitting in water and now she seems to really enjoy splashing around in the tub with her sister. It's so cute to see them shrieking and splashing together in the tub, having a great time!

Gemma's been complaining that her mouth hurts for awhile now, on and off. Unfortunately, I've contributed to her my canker sores gene and poor Gemma's been suffering them. She had one that healed, now she has another. She gets so upset while eating (especially things like fruit) and I feel so bad that I've passed this on to her. 

I'm going back to work in 2 months! I really hoped to take the full year this time, but I think this is the right decision. There are also many changes happening at work and I would rather be there to learn the new procedures with everyone else rather than try to catch up later. 

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