
Headbutting and Biting

With her newfound independence with walking, Gemma sure doesn't like to be held back from doing whatever she wants to do. She is getting faster and faster and is nearly running at times, even though she still falls down a lot. So if she is having a ball and running around and someone picks her up against her will, she will try to bite them in the arm or headbutt them. Actually, she doesn't do that to me, but she will to anyone else. She already knows that mommy doesn't stand for that, but that she can get away with it with certain people. And it's true. When I tell Jesse to firmly tell her "no", he just tells me "but it's so cute".... oh boy. she's obviously only slightly has him wrapped around her little chubby finger.

She also snarls like a cat. If she suspects someone is about to do something to her that she doesn't want (pick her up, come get her, change her, whatever), she snarls like a cat ready to scratch you or a dog who is protecting it's bone. It's quite ridiculous actually and sometimes I want to just laugh, but know that's not exactly what i should be doing. Although I wish someone would tell Jesse that...

Apparently Jesse was a biter as a kid and so maybe that's why he tolerates it... like he sympathizes or something. LOL... anyways, she needs to stop and if anyone has any advice other than firmly saying no, let me know!

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