
TV addict

Call me a bad parent, but Gemma watches a lot of TV. She's had a few favorites for quite some time now and it's actually kinda amusing to "grow out" of some shows and then get really into some new ones. Even when no one's watching, we almost always have the TV on the Treehouse channel in the background. It's not like she just sits there and watches, but she will go around and play and then if she hears a song or a segment she knows, she will come to the TV and watch.

Then I introduced her to Baby Einstein DVDs that we bought in Korea. Boy, she loves these and brings us the case or points to the case asking us to turn them on. These, she will actually sit and watch for like 20 minutes before moving on.

I drew the line today though. It was getting close to nap time and so i turned off the TV to take her upstairs when she threw a tantrum. I held my hands out to pick her up and she refused to be picked up. Instead, she just screamed and got up and went to the TV, trying to turn it on herself. A 13-month-old shouldn't be this addicted to TV. So it's been off for the rest of the morning and hopefully the rest of the day. I don't watch TV much myself, so it's no biggie for me. Also, our discounted cable offer is running out this month or something, so we won't be getting cable after that.

Say bye bye to TV, Gemma. and I better hide those DVDs...

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