
A Korean Palate

So far, Gemma is really embracing her Korean side. She just loves Korean food. My mom is a wonderful cook and she makes pots and pots of delicious soups and freezes them in small portions for Gemma. Gemma has yet to show any dislike for any soups her harmony makes. On top of that, she loves kimchi (which is a spicy pickled cabbage dish). We rinse off the spiciness by rinsing the kimchi pieces in water and Gemma loves to have that accompany her meals. Her favorite snacktime meal is just rice wrapped in seaweed. She can't get enough of it. She loves myulchi (like a stir-fried dried anchovy dish) and harmony's garlicky spinach. She also just loves to eat plain rice (that's my daughter!) and drink boricha (roasted barley or corn tea). 

For the last month or so, Gemma has been really practicing feeding herself with a spoon and now she can eat an entire bowlful of food without making much of a mess. It sure makes our lives easier not having to give her each spoonful, even if it means the cleanup is more work than it used to be. I am so proud of how independent she is and how she wants to do everything on her own with as little help as possible. Of course, if she wants your help, she always says please and thanks you afterward. She just melts my heart!

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