
Going Crazy

Mix together terrible twos and a sick and whiny child together and you get Gemma. Her fever is gone, but her appetite is still not as great as normal. She can hardly finish one meal, whereas before, we would have to beg her to slow down. 

The thing she has started doing lately that is driving me absolutely bonkers is constantly changing her mind. "I don't want to eat, I want down" - so I take her out of her booster. As I take her out, she starts to scream "Nooooo, I want to eat, I want to eat!!"

"Gemma, do you want out or do you want to eat?" 


so then I put her back and as I'm putting her in the chair, she starts to scream "I want out! Out!!"

In either situation, if I ignore her, she keeps screaming what it is that she wants. I honestly have such a hard time dealing with this and admittedly lose my cool a lot.

It's the same thing with bath time ("I want out", "No! I want bath!"), TV channels, drinks, going upstairs/downstairs, etc. It feels like I can't have a conversation with her without her going back and forth and driving me insane.

Any advice on how to cope??

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