
Babies - The Movie

Jesse and I got to sneak away for a couple of hours yesterday to go see Babies, a documentary film about four different babies in four different countries - US, Mongolia, Japan, and Namibia. It starts from their birth until pretty much their first steps and has pretty well no dialogue, except for the babbles of the babes or their parents talking to them. 

I think the American and Japanese babies (Hattie and Mari, respectively) were cute to look at, but not all that "interesting" as their lives are very similar to those of Gemma and her friends. But there was one really adorable part in the movie with Mari - where she is throwing a tantrum over a toy - that really made me laugh and realize that was probably how I was at that age and I am guessing Gemma will be similar...

Bayar and Ponjiao (Mongolian and Namibian babies, respectively) were super adorable as all babies are and while they were living in different environments, I think the message was that essentially all babies are the same - curious, curious, curious.

For the entire 1 hour and 20 minutes, I missed Gemma TERRIBLY and could not wait to go back to her.

Go rent the movie when it comes out on DVD. Check out the trailer if you haven't yet.

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