
Don't Look At ME!!

Compared to what i could have possibly imagined before Gemma was born, I think i'm really getting myself out there, meeting people, talking to people, getting to know people, etc. We go to Baby & Me every Tuesday, Rhythm & Rhyme every Thursday, Wednesdays we usually hang out in the city with my mom, Mondays and Fridays I usually see a friend or have a walk-date with another mom, etc. That, plus we spend the weekends going out into Calgary or Edmonton and seeing people...

...and yet, Gemma makes strange TERRIBLY. I was hoping all this exposure to people would eliminate this or bring it down a notch, but it seems to be getting worse with time. She can't even handle people making eye contact with her - though she always looks at them first and then starts to cry if they look back at her. Don't even think about holding her unless you want your eardrums to shred into pieces from her screaming into them. 

Any suggestions? Is it a personality thing or do all babies do this? I don't hear about it being a problem from other moms... Will she grow out of it? or will she be the kid always hiding behind my legs when we meet someone new?

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