
Sootherless Day/Night #3

When we woke up on Sunday morning, we felt encouraged that this was working. She slept 2 nights in a row very well without her soother and her mood was overall good. Sunday was also Father's Day and we had plans for brunch at 11. 

Normally, because she woke up around 6:30, she would be back down by 8 and sleeping until 10ish. I must have missed her sleep cues because she was still awake by the time we left at 10:15 and, according to my mom, only slept half an hour while we were gone. I put her down once we got back and again she only slept half an hour. So I let her cry - 3 minutes, 5 minutes, 10 minutes, and 15 minutes. After that, I just brought her out of her crib and let her stay awake. So she napped a total of 1 hour yesterday - but she never looked that tired. She just wanted to play ALL day.

We put her down for the night at 7:30 and she cried out an hour later. I just went in and stroked her hair and she seemed to fall back asleep. Then again maybe 20 minutes after that, but she put herself back to sleep. Then I didn't hear from her until this morning, although earlier than usual, at just before 6 AM.

It's 7:30 right now and I've just put her down. She is crying on and off (and at this moment, it's off), but I'm hoping she can sleep and get back into routine.

I must admit that I am feeling frustrated today. I think back to just last week when I could pop her soother in her mouth and she would nap over 2 hours with EASE and I wonder, what have I done? I am just trying to tell myself that this is better for her in the long-term...but it sure is tempting to rummage through the garbage to find those soothers...LOL

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