
More Traveling Woes...

Yesterday, we made our monthly trip to Edmonton. and while i know that car seat laws are there to protect our babies and keep them safe in case of an accident, sometimes i can't help but think it would be so much easier if I could just hold her while we drive. NOT THAT I EVER DO THAT - i would NEVER do that. 

do they have car seat laws in Europe? i know they don't in many countries in South America, Asia (Korea being one of them), and even Australia. 

It kinda sucks because we have two weddings this year and Jesse's family reunion. One wedding is in Victoria, the other by Smoky Lake, AB where I grew up, and the family reunion is at Good Spirit Lake, SK. Say what you want, but I will not have Gemma on an airplane before her first birthday and driving 12-13 hours with Gemma to Victoria and to the reunion just seems unfathomable... The Smoky Lake wedding is in October and if Gemma is weaned at that point (I still haven't decided when I'm going to do that), I think Jesse and I will go and ask my mom to watch her for the weekend.

I really hope that she will be better once she is turned forward facing... which of course isn't still for a LONG time...

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