
Mommy...where are you???

As mentioned, we were in Edmonton on Sunday for my little cousin's birthday party. It was a full house with 20 kids and parents of those kids, plus uncles and aunts of the birthday boy... not to mention two rambunctious dogs and one super fat cat. 

Sunday was a very long day. I think it is singlehandedly the most Gemma has cried in one day in her entire life. Crying in the car on the way there. Crying once we got to the birthday party because she was so overwhelmed by all the "strangers". She pretty much cried the entire time we were there other than the one hour that she spent sleeping in the basement. Once she woke up, she resumed crying whenever someone would talk to her. Then we left the party to go pick up my mom from church. and guess what happened when we got to the church? that's right. More crying. Then it was pretty much nonstop until we got home with the exception of a few breaks where she slept a little. 

I thought that with us going out so much and socializing so much, Gemma was better equipped to handle people. I think maybe she just got off to a bad start with a 3.5-hour car trip, and then a "stranger" (my cousin) snatching her away as soon as we arrived. She didn't have any time to take it all in, i suppose. 

I guess she is more like me than I think. I am socially retarded, yet I really love my immediate family. Gemma always wants one of us to play with (actually, I think she always wants her harmony to play with). If we even turn around while we're playing with her, she whines. If she sees us leave the room, she then calls out to us. But when we're out in public, she kinda freezes. She would rather sit and observe everything rather than get into it and play. 

Guess we just have to take things slow...slower...

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